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AEM 6.2 to 6.5 Upgrade - dialogs missing value


Level 4

Hi Guys, I'm doing an impact analysis of migrating from 6.2 to 6.5. I have updated the project to build our code successfully into a fresh instance of 6.5. Then I used the crx2oak migration tool (the latest crx2oak-1.8.6-all-in-one.jar) to migrate content to the new 6.5 instance with success. The pages on the site load successfully, but on opening components that use a multifield (granite/ui/components/foundation/form/multifield), the values of the multifield do not show in the dialog. The CRX however does contain the values, but they are not displayed when you open the dialog. They are blank. Instead of using the migration tool, I've also packaged and installed the content package via package manager, but no luck.

I have tried the dialog conversion tool, no luck.

Has anyone encountered this during an upgrade? Any suggestions on what to do?

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.

5 Replies


Level 2

The property CQ.PAGE_PROPERTIES_MAX_RECURSION_LEVEL controls the maximum depth of the node subtree under the page /jcr:content node, default value is 1, this can be overriden by overlaying the constants.js, which is present under path /libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/constants.js.


Level 4

Raj, thank you for your response. I tried overlaying and setting CQ.PAGE_PROPERTIES_MAX_RECURSION_LEVEL to a larger value, unfortunately no luck!


Level 4

To add to my original post, this is what I see in the logs when I open my dialog:



Level 2

Did we get a resolution on this ? 
The property that was asked to change is for PAGE properties but we are trying to open the dialog of a component so infinity.json is called at very node level.




Vish.dhaliwal​ Any help here?

Kautuk Sahni