Hi All,
I am in progress of developing an POC of AEM 6.2(with SP1) author cluster integrated with Mongodb (Enterprise v3.2.2) replica set . The goal which i want to achieve is create two AEM instances pointing to MongoDB replica (primary,secondary,Arbiter)
The issue which i am facing is First instance is coming up fine and able to login successfully and the second AEM instance has start up issues and i see jetty not coming up.
The steps which i followed are
MongoDB setup:
1. Create an Mongo DB replica , primary on 27017, secondary on 27018 and Arbiter on 27019. Started the mongo with
mongod --dbpath c:\POC-AEM-MONGOReplica\aem\aem-primary\mongo0\ --replSet aem6 --port 27017
mongod --dbpath c:\POC-AEM-MONGOReplica\aem\aem-secondary\mongo1\ --replSet aem6 --port 27018
mongod -dbpath c:\POC-AEM-MONGOReplica\aem\aem-secondary\mongo2_arb\ --replSet aem6 --port 27019
AEM Primary setup:
1. Unpack the AEM jar
2. add configuration org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService.cfg to install folder under crx-quickstart folder
the configuration has updated with mongouri=mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018/?replicaSet=rs0, db=aem_mongo and other configs
3. started the AEM instance by running "java -jar aem6.2-author-p9001.jar -r crx3,crx3mongo" from command line
4. All bundles are up and database has been created in Mongo DB and able to Login successfully.
AEM Secondary setup:
1. Unpack the AEM jar
2. add configuration org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService.cfg to install folder under crx-quickstart folder
the configuration has updated with mongouri=mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018/?replicaSet=rs0, db=aem_mongo and other configs
3. started the AEM instance by running "java -jar aem6.2-author-p9002.jar -r crx3,crx3mongo" from command line
4. Only few bundles are up and lots of errors in the logs and instance is not up.
*ERROR* [FelixStartLevel] ERROR: Bundle '154' Error starting launchpad:resources/install/0/com.adobe.cq.projects.core-0.2.80.jar
*ERROR* [FelixStartLevel] ERROR: Bundle '155' Error starting launchpad:resources/install/0/com.adobe.cq.projects.ui-0.2.2.jar
*ERROR* [FelixStartLevel] ERROR: Bundle '156' Error starting launchpad:resources/install/0/com.adobe.cq.projects.wcm.core-0.2.10.jar.....
*ERROR* [FelixStartLevel] ERROR: Bundle '283' Error starting launchpad:resources/install/0/cq-workflow-impl-6.0.26.jar
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Unable to load class 'org.eclipse.jetty.io.WriteFlusher$1' because the bundle wiring for org.apache.felix.http.jetty is no longer valid
can you please let me know if i am missing any steps in configuring the steps.
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if i use the vanila AEM 6.2 without Hotfx and SP1 it works fine. thanks for the support
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Been a while since I've done this on 6.2, but I have a memory that one had to not only define the mongo stuff in the org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService.cfg config file, but also the following two arguments on the java command line itself:
-Doak.mongo.uri=XXX -Doak.mongo.db=YYY
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Hi edgarm,
thanks for the reply. i tried adding the mongo.uri and db details as arguments while starting the AEM still the second instance is not starting properly
java -jar aem6.2-author-p8001.jar -r crx3,crx3mongo -Doak.mongo.uri=mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018 -Doak.mongo.db=aem_mongo_test
can you please let me know the steps you followed for the successful setup.
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Hi Experts,
can you please check and let me know if i am missing any steps in order to execute successful AEM with MongoDB integration.
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if i use the vanila AEM 6.2 without Hotfx and SP1 it works fine. thanks for the support
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I'll note here that you really want at least a more recent Oak Cumulative fix pack as you want a more recent version of oak for performance and stability. At least oak 1.4.10 is good. SP1 only raises the oak version to 1.4.6.
Also AEM/mongo performance is not as good as tarMK, and you will need to be using lots of caching on the AEM side to make performance more tolerable. On the one mongo installation I did, using an extra 6GB worth of configured RAM for caching in the mongo config file helped quite a bit as did changing the write and read concern settings for mongo in AEM.
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Also, when bringing up the first AEM instance in the mongo cluster for the first time, I remember it took a long time for AEM to fully come up due to using mongo and the second instance must not be brought up until the first AEM instance is fully up. This was something like an hour when using high end mongo systems (but this was before altering caching and read/write concern settings so that would reduce the time).
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Not familiar with SSIS MongoDB but here is a possible resource.
All the things are discussed properly. Feel free to visit
Hope it will help... :-)
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Last time I was creating a cluster on 6.1 and I was executing the following steps. I have tried others as well, but this one worked multiple times.
1. Download and install MongoDB (add {mongo-install-directory}\bin to PATH)
2. Create a directory for the 1st instance (ex: author0)
3. create a directory for mongo replica set node 1 (ex: mongo0)
4. Start mongo on default port (27017) with the following command: mongod --dbpath mongo0/
5. Extract the installer JAR file with java -jar {AEM-installer.jar} -unpack
6. Modify the start.bat as follows:
7. Start AEM and wait for the installation to complete
8. Stop AEM, Stop Mongo
9. Set up the mongo replica set:
10. Update the start.bat, add the 2nd node's port to CQ_MONGO_PORT (CQ_MONGO_PORT=27017,27018)
11. Install the second AEM node:
12. Check the topology by hitting: http://localhost:4502/system/console/status-topology
13. Start up process:
14. Shut down process: Stop AEM instances, Stop MongoDB instances.
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Hi nschuter,
Thanks for the steps i tried following the same
1. started mongo instance in 27017
2. unpacked the jar
3. updated the mongo configurations in start.bat of AEM
4. started the AEM from command line start.bat
AEM is not coming up properly and i See error below in the logs. Only few bundles are in Active state.
13.06.2017 12:35:15.389 *ERROR* [FelixStartLevel] ERROR: Bundle '36' Error stopping launchpad:resources/install/5/org.apache.felix.http.jetty-3.1.6-B002.jar (java.util.NoSuchElementException)
I am using the AEM 6.2 version and i am not sure what i am missing
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