Hi All,
I have completed the whole setup in Eclipse using docs.adobe.com/docs/en/dev-tools/aem-eclipse.html link. I have some doubts.
1) AEM developer tool sync AEM repository to Eclipse OR Eclipse to AEM repository ? I created a file under
D:\AEM WrkSpc\projectname\ui.apps\src\main\content\jcr_root\apps\projectname\components\ which got updated in AEM repo but when I created one folder it didn't. I want to know how this whole logic works.
2) I make changes in sample file "/project.core/src/main/java/com/companyname/projectname/core/impl/HelloServiceImpl.java". If I want to see these changes in AEM repo do I need to create a bundle of it manually or developer tool auto deploys it ?(I am not getting changes in AEM repo if it is auto deploy)
I want to dig deep into it. Please provide some link for reference.