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Adobe Summit 2022, AEM Session | TW109 - Tips and Tricks for Migrating to Experience Manager in the Cloud



Adobe Developer Live October 2021

Session Details

Learn how to use Adobe’s Cloud Acceleration Manager application to ensure a smooth and successful transition to Adobe Experience Manager in the Cloud. Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service provides you with a modern cloud foundation to help your teams accelerate their customer experience management initiatives and stay ahead of the curve. With Adobe’s tried-and-tested transition methodology and tools, you can accelerate the transition of your Adobe Experience Manager application from an on-premises implementation to Experience Manager as a Cloud Service. In this 60-minute training workshop, learn how to get started on this transition journey with Adobe’s Cloud Acceleration Manager application, designed to ensure a smooth and successful transition to the cloud. Learn how to:

1. Read readiness reports in Cloud Acceleration Manager to self-assess your readiness

2. Outline a clear transition strategy and define the migration activities

3. Create a successful go-live plan and prioritize post-live optimization

Session Recording

Session Schedule

2022-03-16 | 11:30:00 PST | 60 Mins Duration


Aditi Dutt Chaudhuri & Kiran Murugulla


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Adobe Experience Manager

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Session Q&A

Question Answer
Are there any plans to discontinue the on-premise version of AEM with future releases? No. We have many existing customers with their own uniquetimelines/paths to Cloud Service. We will not be discontinuing the on-prem andcontinue to support/release innovations through service packs. Having said that,we strongly encourage our customers to start modernizing their implementationsor getting them cloud-ready so they can leverage maximum out of theirinvestment in AEM.
Just curious, is this session just for migrating from AEM on-prem to AEM cloud? We're about to migrate to AEM from another DAM and I had hoped to gain insights here. But here is some information on a tool that can help you move content from cloud storage to AEM as a Cloud Service: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/cloud-service/migration/bulk-import...
Does AEM as Cloud offers WAF? Hi! AEM as a Cloud Service has a Dispatcher/Apache and CDN/Fastly in front of it to filter requests in addition to other security measures that are internal. We also have a security white paper that can help answer your questions. https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/cc/en/security/pdfs/AEMCloudService_Security_Overview.pdf 
Where can I get more information on Adobe Managed Service? Your adobe representative should be able to provide you all the information/specifics regarding Managed Services.
Will Cloud work with core components, ACS Commons, or Groovy packages that we use with On-prem? I know that some ACS Commons functionality is not compatible with AEMaaCS yet.
Will Cloud work with core components, ACS Commons, or Groovy packages that we use with On-prem? Please refer to - https://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/pages/compatibility.html for the ACS Commons features that are compatible with AEM as Cloud Services
Will Cloud work with core components, ACS Commons, or Groovy packages that we use with On-prem? Core Components - yes!
Core Components does work on AEM as Cloud Services
Groovy console is not supported in Cloud Service (security issues). But you can use Sling Pipes to transform content in AEM Cloud Service.
More about Sling Pipes - https://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/sling-pipes.html
How will content sync work in cloud environment? Is there any OOTB support for content and digital assets for the lower environment? Today, you can use content packages to move content from higher environment to lower environment. Later this year, we will be introducing a feature called Content Backflow to make it easier to move content in Cloud Service.
we are currently using Azure SSO for author.. would that change with AEM as a cloud service? In AEM as a Cloud Service , the IMS based SSO is the default. With that model , the identities from Microsoft IDP will be brought into Adobe Admin Console and then those identities will be used for provisioning the required access to AEMaaCS.
Please refer to this for more related information - https://helpx.adobe.com/enterprise/using/add-azure-sync.html
Did I read correctly online that Felix was ditched in Cloud? Not ditched. you still need to use osgi configurations to configure services. But the console is no longer available in AEM Cloud Service to avoid manual changes. You just have to set the configuration values via the codebase so it is consistent across all environments. Still accessible on your local AEM SDK though if you miss that UI
whatoptions we have to connect AEM as a cloud service to on-prem systems. Hell . Please refer to - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/security/configurin... that talks about thinking about opening up the network level traffic from Cloud to on premise.
Is there a minimum code coverage that is enforced by AEM as a Cloud Service or is that configurable? Here is some documentation on code coverage enforced by Cloud Manager: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-manager/using/how-to-use/understand...
whatoptions we have to connect AEM as a cloud service to on-prem systems. You can also check out this session on App Builder use-cases and details - https://business.adobe.com/summit/2022/sessions/na-extend-adobe-solutions-with-adobe-developer-app-s...

Another helpful resource on this topic: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/config...
What if my AEM on prem uses a few connectors, any way I can ask my connector vendors or convert these connectors to be Cloud Service compatible? Hi - I would recommend reaching our to the connector vendor to discuss their plans on supporting it on AEMaaCS
Do you have any customers who have done a migration to AEMaaCS without a big bang? Any pointers would be helpful. Many customers have successfully migrated to AEMaaCS. A lot of this content and best practices highlighted in this session has been based on learnings from multiple successful customer migrations.


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Kautuk Sahni
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