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Adobe Cloud Manager & 3rd party packages


Level 2


We are currently looking into the integration of our development tools and Adobe Cloud Manager, specifically to integrate 3rd party packages that are NOT available through public repositories. After checking the documentation, it seems there are 2 options :

  • Integrate with a private password protected maven repository
    • This approach currently raises security concerns
    • The preferred integration pattern would be OIDC
  • Use the file based local repository
    • According to this explanation, we can basically store the artifacts in our GIT repo so that they are retrieved as any other code source and then used as a dependency
    • This is not a my preferred option but we'll do it if we have to

Am I listing all possible options here ? Are there any other possibilities ? We also scanned through the API doc but did not find anything to push artifacts into Cloud Manager. 

Thanks in advance for your answer !


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