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Add more formats in rtePlugin - paraformat


Level 1

I have added richTextBox in my xtype js file where I have added paraformat plugin. Here below is my code for that ;

                 "rtePlugins" :{

                    "edit" : {

                        "features" : ['cut', 'copy', 'paste-plaintext']


                    "spellcheck" : {

                        "features" : "*"


                    "undo" : {

                        "features" : "*"


                    "findreplace" : {

                        "features" : "*"


                    "misctools" : {

                        "features" : "*"


                    "paraformat" : {

                        "features" : "*"



But i am getting only paragraph, heading1, heading2, heading3 only in format tab. But I want to add more headings like h4, h5 etc. I have added richtext node having rtePlugin node that contains all the plugins available. Can anyone help me to add more formats in paraformat.

8 Replies


Level 3

is this an experience manager question?


Level 1

Yes it is related to adobe experience manager.

I have found a solution in the url: Configuring the Rich Text Editor , but i am not getting after adding richTextBox node, is there any configuration is required to use it in my dialog js file.


Level 3


Level 10

What version of AEM Are you using? Look at using the Core Text component - you will see these headings are part of RTE.



Level 1

I am using adobe 6.2 version where Paragraph1, Heading1, Heading2, Heading3 formats are available by default and I have to add more.


Employee Advisor

have you tried both rtePlugins and uiSettings as in /libs/foundation/components/textimage/dialog/items/tab1/items/text


Level 1

Yes I was tried on both. Can you please explain me the end to end process, so that I can conclude where I am going wrong.


Community Advisor

Possible to share code package that you are using... I see it working when I followed the article above