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acs comons is not showing in tools section when we are deploying on aem cloud


Level 4

HI All, 

i am deploying  acs commons version (<version>6.0.6</version>) on aem cloud according to this article (https://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/pages/maven.html)


If I am deploying in local sdk i am able to see ACS commons inside tools. But when same code i am deploying on AEM cloud the acs commons icon is not showing in AEM cloud.


please find the attached screenshot local_sdk_iamge.png

            CLOUD : 






6 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @raushan123 


Can you please check if you have acscommons all zip file located in your custom project path after the code depoyment?

This custom path should be the one which has been added in the all pom.xml as mentioned below (/apps/my-app-vendor-packages/container/install)





Level 4

HI @Rohit_Utreja  thanks for your quick reply.






and after deploying it came in root level 



But i am not able to see in tools section


Community Advisor

this path should have ...all.zip package, can you please check.


Level 4

no its not there in aem cloud , but in local sdk i can see


Level 2

Is this still happening? Or have you found a solution? Thank you. 



I was facing the same issue then below have resolved this issue for me
Note: I am using ACS Common version < 6

In all pom.xml I added


<!-- AEM ACS Commons in Plugin Section-->

<!-- ACS Commons in Dependency Section -->

I also added below in core > pom.xml
<!-- ACS Commons -->



Please note, In ACS AEM Commons 6.0.0, the main dependency artifact ID was renamed from acs-aem-commons-content to acs-aem-commons-all

Hope it will resolve your issue.