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ACS Commons MCP multifield component


Level 4



Anyone knows how to update the multi-field component with the dropdown menu. I need to have the field in MCP to select more than one option from the dropdown. Using SelectComponent.EnumerationSelector.class doesn't allow me to choose more than one value from the dropdown. So do we need to include the dropdown in the multiselect using MultifieldComponent.class. But by default we are getting the text field , how to update the text field with dropdown list.


Anyone knows the solution, please let me know. 


Thanks in advance!





Bhavani Bharanidharan


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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi @BhavaniBharani 


If what you need is a select field that allows multiple selections, then it’s not a multifield, but a simple select with the multiple=true option. You can find more details here: https://developer.adobe.com/experience-manager/reference-materials/6-5/granite-ui/api/jcr_root/libs/....


However, this is not supported out-of-the-box for MCP fields. What you can do instead is create your own custom version of the widget and explicitly enable the multiple selection option. Something like this should work:


1. Created a new field class with the option for multiple (you can take it from the field config as well)



public abstract class SelectMultipleComponent extends FieldComponent {
    public static class EnumerationSelector extends SelectMultipleComponent {
        public Map<String, String> getOptions() {
            return Stream.of((Enum[]) AccessibleObjectUtil.getType(getAccessibleObject()).getEnumConstants())
                                              e -> StringUtil.getFriendlyName(e.name()),
                                              (k, v)-> { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot merge"); },

    public void init() {
        getComponentMetadata().put("text", getFieldDefinition().name());
        //Explicity Add the Multiple here:
        getComponentMetadata().put("multiple", true);

    public Resource buildComponentResource() {
        AbstractResourceImpl component = (AbstractResourceImpl) super.buildComponentResource();
        AbstractResourceImpl options = new AbstractResourceImpl("items", null, null, new ResourceMetadata());

        String defaultValue = getOption("default").orElse(null);

        getOptions().forEach((value, name)->{
            final ResourceMetadata meta = new ResourceMetadata();
            final String nodeName = JcrUtil.escapeIllegalJcrChars(value);

            if (value.equals(defaultValue)) {
                meta.put("selected", true);
            meta.put("value", value);
            meta.put("text", name);
            AbstractResourceImpl option = new AbstractResourceImpl(
                    "option_" + nodeName,
        return component;

    public abstract Map<String, String> getOptions();



2. Use this new class to create your field by using the "component" attribute: https://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/features/mcp/subpages/form-fields.html (component = SelectMultipleComponent.EnumerationSelector.class)


3. Result: 



You can refer to the acs-commons project for more reference if this code needs to be tweaked: https://github.com/Adobe-Consulting-Services/acs-aem-commons/blob/master/bundle/src/main/java/com/ad...


Hope this helps





Esteban Bustamante

View solution in original post

2 Replies


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi @BhavaniBharani 


If what you need is a select field that allows multiple selections, then it’s not a multifield, but a simple select with the multiple=true option. You can find more details here: https://developer.adobe.com/experience-manager/reference-materials/6-5/granite-ui/api/jcr_root/libs/....


However, this is not supported out-of-the-box for MCP fields. What you can do instead is create your own custom version of the widget and explicitly enable the multiple selection option. Something like this should work:


1. Created a new field class with the option for multiple (you can take it from the field config as well)



public abstract class SelectMultipleComponent extends FieldComponent {
    public static class EnumerationSelector extends SelectMultipleComponent {
        public Map<String, String> getOptions() {
            return Stream.of((Enum[]) AccessibleObjectUtil.getType(getAccessibleObject()).getEnumConstants())
                                              e -> StringUtil.getFriendlyName(e.name()),
                                              (k, v)-> { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot merge"); },

    public void init() {
        getComponentMetadata().put("text", getFieldDefinition().name());
        //Explicity Add the Multiple here:
        getComponentMetadata().put("multiple", true);

    public Resource buildComponentResource() {
        AbstractResourceImpl component = (AbstractResourceImpl) super.buildComponentResource();
        AbstractResourceImpl options = new AbstractResourceImpl("items", null, null, new ResourceMetadata());

        String defaultValue = getOption("default").orElse(null);

        getOptions().forEach((value, name)->{
            final ResourceMetadata meta = new ResourceMetadata();
            final String nodeName = JcrUtil.escapeIllegalJcrChars(value);

            if (value.equals(defaultValue)) {
                meta.put("selected", true);
            meta.put("value", value);
            meta.put("text", name);
            AbstractResourceImpl option = new AbstractResourceImpl(
                    "option_" + nodeName,
        return component;

    public abstract Map<String, String> getOptions();



2. Use this new class to create your field by using the "component" attribute: https://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/features/mcp/subpages/form-fields.html (component = SelectMultipleComponent.EnumerationSelector.class)


3. Result: 



You can refer to the acs-commons project for more reference if this code needs to be tweaked: https://github.com/Adobe-Consulting-Services/acs-aem-commons/blob/master/bundle/src/main/java/com/ad...


Hope this helps





Esteban Bustamante

Thank you @EstebanBustamante. This really unblocked my issue.