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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

ACS Common Error Handler is not called when incorrect suffix specified for AEM community journal entry


Level 1

Hello Experts,

We have implemented ACS Common Error Handler with our AEM Community setup to display country specific error pages. And we can see it  working perfectly fine if we have specified non existing blog page but we are not seeing expected behavior when we access existing blog page with  "entry" selector  and non existing suffix path like as follows.


The  green highlighted path is a valid path but path in the suffix is not valid. when accessing this URL we get the page content with common header / footer and blank content. Also the browser trace shows the HTTP response code is 404 but the response is not from the configured error page.

Also to say, following URL gives the expected result by displaying content from configured custom error page.


Any quick help here would be appreciated.

AEM 6.2 SP1 CPF05



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