Log Files in AEM as a Cloud Service are accessed a bit differently than in a Managed Services or on-prem install of AEM. The log files themselves can be accessed through the User Interface, on the environments card, or by using APIs through the Adobe CLI tool. If you need to tail the logs, you would need to access the log files via an API. Let’s review how to do both of these.
Accessing the Logs Via Cloud Manager UI
Step 1. Navigate to Cloud Manager
Step 2. Go to the Environments Card
Step 3. Click on the ... and select Download Logs
Step 4. The logs can also be accessed from the environments tab by clicking ... and selecting Download Logs.
Image for post
Log Files are also via the environments tab
Accessing the Log Files using an API via the Cloud Manager plugin for the Adobe IO CLI
1. Launch the Command Prompt/Terminal
2. Download or Clone the Adobe IO CLI, available here
3. Navigate using the command prompt to the downloaded directory.
5. Run the following commands to install the AIO CLI:
--> npm install
--> npm link
--> npm install -g @adobe/aio-cli aio -v
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Kautuk Sahni