To access Adobe Experience Manager (AEM Managed Services) Author instances in QA and UAT environments from a non-Adobe environment, which approach is recommended:
If there is any official documentation supporting the recommended approach, please provide the relevant links.
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To securely access AEM instances, it’s recommended to set up a VPN with IP whitelisting. This approach ensures that only authorized users from specified IP addresses can access the Author instance, enhancing security.
please refer to Adobe’s official documentation for configuring the VPN:
Hi @chaudharynick ,
Do you know any official document or section where the recommended approach to setting up a VPN is mentioned?
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Hi @Shiv_Prakash_Patel ,
I don't have any official document where that clearly states that but from architecture standpoint it's the best way to interact for security and ensures only authorized users from specific IP addresses can interact with the AEM
You can refer to this blog as well for more details
we used IP whitelist in AMS and on-prem to allow access.
For AEM Managed Services Author instances, the recommended approach is VPN with IP whitelisting. This approach:
Accessing the Author through a Dispatcher is generally not recommended because:
If the VPN setup is challenging, you can discuss with your Adobe Customer Success Engineer alternative secure access methods specific to your implementation.
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Hi @kautuk_sahni , In my opinion, setting up a VPN is the preferred approach. However, I am still unable to find any supporting documentation that explicitly mentions this. Could you please share any relevant references if possible?
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