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6.3 Translation workflow stopped working


Level 1

The trial config was working local on on prod environment and then started getting errors. I have created a new account and hooked up with Azure to test as well but both are still just free accounts with 2,000,000 characters/month limit. The documentation for API endpoints does not match with what is being called in the workflow and the screenshots for 6.3 config set up documentation are also not accurate as they show client Id, etc fields which do not appear in our 6.3 installation. I only see a Subscription Key​ field which validates both the existing trail key as well as my new one. Any help appreciated.

05.07.2018 13:36:24.136 *ERROR* [JobHandler: /etc/workflow/instances/server0/2018-07-05_2/sync_translation_job_7:/content/projects/recipe-languages/recipe-languages__fr_/jcr:content/dashboard/gadgets/translationjob0] com.adobe.cq.wcm.translation.impl.CQPageMachineTranslator Error while translating property

com.adobe.granite.translation.api.TranslationException: Error Code: TRANSLATION_FAILED.  Message: Error Code: TRANSLATION_FAILED.  Message: Status code from HttpClient did not return 200. Status Code: 400 The URL we called was: https://api.microsofttranslator.com/v2/Http.svc/TranslateArray   .... The auth_token: Bearer

2 Replies


Community Advisor

Dear Scott,

Can you kindly check you Microsoft key has not expired/been disabled?




Level 1

Both the trial key (6 months old?) and the new key both validate within AEM cloud config as well as in hub.microsofttranslator.com