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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Request: links between HTML pages


Level 3


Could you make the links between HTML pages possible (in the same .article), please?

Creating one article per page and linking them article to article is taking ages to load the app and I can't sell that to my client.


6 Replies


Level 5

How is your HTML set up? One tall HTML or separate HTML pages? If one tall HTML, how about links to anchors in the HTML? If separate, aren't you able to use the same navto:// link structure? I thought you could but I could be wrong.


Level 3


It is separate HTML pages working with the navto:// but every pages are

taking ages to load using this solution. When linking them with

src="url-in-same-folder" it's faster but adds the 'Done' banner.

My problem is the client wants it to be fast but doesn't want the 'Done'

banner. Is there a way to deactivate the 'Done' banner or make it quicker?

I need to know asap as the deadline for this project is today


*Sophie Auzuret *Technical Services executive


Level 5

I honestly don't know whether or not you can disable the Done banner.

What if you set it up as one tall page, disable scroll with CSS, and use anchor link buttons to navigate back and forth?


Level 3

Unfortunately, that's not possible.

Can you the rest of your team please?

*Sophie Auzuret *Technical Services executive


Level 6

The "Done" banner typically indicates that you're using an in-app browser. You've invoked an html page, maybe through http. And if that page has javascript or other complicated web code, this might slow the load time for the page.

I'd be more inclined to author each article as a single index.html page in its own folder. Any CSS, images, js, etc. that the page calls would also be in that one folder. Then package the folder and use this as your article content.

This way, you'd have automatic swipe navigation to the previous/next article, DPS will preload neighboring articles to speed up the load experience, and each article could be in the collection browse page.



Level 3

Hi, that's what I have done and the important delay is coming from that solution

Could Adobe add a way to hide the banner? or make the other solution quicker?