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Mobil_provisions and Push Notifications


Level 4

If I add devices to my development provision in Apple Dev portal do I also have to update aps_dev push certificates and re build app so that new devises will also get test notifications?

I have an newly added ipad that is not receiving test notifications but a old Iphone that is.

Cant figure out why.

I did reenter old p.12 and rebuild app

Screen Shot 2016-04-27 at 3.22.55 PM.png

1 Reply


Employee Advisor

Yes you need to rebuild your App using the new mobile provisioning profile but there is no need to update the APNS certificates ..

You'll also need to make sure you have enabled 'Preflight' in your Developer App to be able to test / receive push notifications.

Once done and the App re-installed on device, it should ask you whether or not you elect to receive notifications and you can test again.