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ContextHub isn't working after update AEM 6.3 -> 6.5


Level 4

Hello, Adobe Community


We faced with issue of working ContextHub after update AEM 6.3 to 6.5. All our pages have this part of source code:
<sly data-sly-test="${properties.isTargeted}" data-sly-resource="${'contexthub' @ resourceType='granite/contexthub/components/contexthub'}" />


And while page is loading the request occurs  with the following URL: http://host:port/etc/cloudsettings.kernel.js/conf/global/settings/cloudsettings/default/contexthub, which is 404 Not found. 
Of course we moved all our custom stuff related to cloudsettings and segments under /conf folder according to this - https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-65/deploying/restructuring/all-repository-...
-/etc/cloudsettings -> /conf/global/settings/cloudsettings
-/etc/segmentation/app -> /conf/global/settings/wcm/segments/app

Configuration on page:
cq:contextHubPath: /etc/cloudsettings/default/contexthub -> /conf/global/settings/cloudsettings/default/contexthub
cq:contextHubSegmentsPath: /etc/segmentation/app -> /conf/global/settings/wcm/segments/app

http://host:port/etc/cloudsettings/default/contexthub.kernel.js -> http://host:port/etc/cloudsettings.kernel.js/conf/global/settings/cloudsettings/default/contexthub

1.Why does requested URL look like this? I can't understand why it takes this part /etc/cloudsettings.kernel.js in the beginning? 
2.To be honest, I'm not sure, but what format should have new format? I didn't find any good information about it.


Could you please help with all of this? 





2 Replies


Level 2

I believe you posted this to the incorrect forum.  This is "AEM Mobile", a product with very little connection to AEM.

Try the AEM forum: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/ct-p/adobe-experience-mana...





Level 4
Hi, @AndrewTop. I just don't know how to delete this question. I accidentally created the question here. Thanks