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AEM Lateral Menu Issues


Level 2

Into an app made with AEM Mobile, the Lateral Menu has problems in order to connect articles to go back to a Main Collection. When you use: navto://collection/home , this button works fine just if your are navigating from the Home or Main collection, Once you start the navigation with the Lateral Menu that back button doesn't work, we've trying with all the links adobe has provided onto the support files and forums, but neither of them are working for this matter.


4 Replies



I'm not sure what you mean by "that back button doesn't work." Also, which other links have you tried?

Your navto://collection/home link works only if your collection is named "home."

Depending on what you're trying to do, here are a couple of goto:// links that might help:



The goto://ApplicationViewState/library format takes you back to the "home" collection, which is the first item in your top-level. That should always work, no matter where you are in the app.

The goto://FolioNavigation/lastview method works the same way as the back button. Keep in mind that the back button works with taps, not swipes. in other words, if you tap a card or link to jump to an article, tapping the back button takes you back to the preview view. If you swipe through articles, the back button does not return you through the progression of swipes.

Hope this helps. Let us know if you have follow-up questions.


Level 2

Hello Bob, thank you so much for your prompt Answer,

My Example is:

I have a collection named "home", it has 6 cards(Articles), inside an Article we use to have a "Designed Back Button" instead of use the one at the AEM top bar (This bar seems only appears when you tap somewhere at the screen on Article level, on Collection level is always displayed, that's why we wanted to avoid tap twice in the article to go back). so we just tap into our "Designed Button" to come back to the "home" collection. In this case is working fine...

But once I go to the same Article from the AEM Predesigned Lateral Menu Bar, the "Designed Button" doesn't work, the same happens with the AEM back button, it disappears.

Hope this explains a bit more of the issue,

Thanks for any Advice



Hi Douglas, i understand the issue. When you use the menu to navigate laterally the app doesn't create a "back stack," so a back button does not surface. Contrast this to navigating by tapping the card into the article. In that case the app has created a new view level and back stack, so the back button is shown.

Another aspect of this. If you have navigated several levels into the app, then used the app menu to return to the top level and resets the back stack.


Level 3

Can I dig a little deeper into this?

Using "goto://FolioNavigation/lastview" as a 'back' button in a Collection.

Example:  Collection "Elements". Article 1-Dirt, Article 2-Fire, Article 3-Wind, Article 4-Water. In that order. It wouldn't make sense to have the 'back' function appear on Article 1-Dirt however, when you have it appear on Article 2-Fire this 'back' button would take you back to Article 1-Dirt. You also tell the user that using swipe disables the back button. Similarly having this 'back' button in Article 3-Wind would take the user back to Article 2-Fire.

As much as that is the explanation is given...I have implemented it in to my HTML and it has failed to work.

I have also tried "navto://relative/#previous" to no avail. I am using an iPad to test all these navigation options. Suggestions?