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Page Meta Tags


Level 1


Description - We would like to create meta tags (not limited to keywords) on pages through page properties. 
We would also like to have meta keywords (tags currently in page properties) inherit to child pages or be able to set default tags.

Why is this feature important to you - This feature would make tag management simpler and more manageable out of the box.

How would you like the feature to work - Add tags through page properties in 2 sections, one for keywords and one for miscellaneous with an option to inherit to prepopulate and customize from there.  For example, if a user selects to inherit tags, it would prepopulate with the parent page's mete tags.  The user can then add tags or remove tags from their page as needed.

Current Behaviour - Custom page properties and Java needs to be developed for this implementation of tag management

1 Comment




Hi @kristink4542232 

We discussed this request internally and concluded that currently Smart tagging would meet the same purpose. AEM Smart Tagging automatically add metadata tags to image assets that you upload to a folder.



Status changed to: Declined