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MSM: Improve Page Move Rollout config functionality - manage re-publication after rollout


Level 3


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: Page Move rollout config should not only adjust links in referencing pages but also should re-publish them if editor does not decides against

For managing multinational and multilanguage websites with AEM, we use MSM with blueprint/livecopy to maintain it in a efficient way. Also, as we want to have also structure every time in sync, we are using Page Move Rollout configuration to ensure that also page moves are applied in the livecopies through the rollout.

See chapter "To fully realize a page move ..." here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/content/sites/administering/introducti...

Current/Experienced Behavior:

Let me give you a most simple example: Imagine you have two pages, page A and page B. Page B has a link to page A. Both pages are rollout out to a livecopy and are published. Livecopy has page move and standard rollout config.

Now, you move page A to some other structure in the blueprint (e.g. below page C). Doing that, the page move dialog provides option for adjustment and republishing of the referencing page - this is fine and works. To bring this changes to the connected livecopy, you roll out page A. With that, page A getss moved in the livecopy as well and the referencing page B is modified. But because page B was published before, you as an editor now have to manually re-publish this page!
Imagine you have 10 livecopies or more connected and not just one page which links to the moved one (but maybe 100) => this is an ENORMOUS effort to do the manual re-publishing since you first have to gather all the referencing pages!

To sum up: this is not Enterprise CMS like and does not match our expectations how a CMS should support editors work.

Improved/Expected Behavior: If you have Page Move rollout config in place, the system should check if the page you roll out has a cq:LiveSyncConfig node with the property cq:moveTarget in the livecopy page (which indicates that blueprint page has been moved). If yes, system should bring up a dialog showing the referencing pages in the livecopy were user can decide if adjustment or re-publishing should occur similar to standard move dialog. With that the manual work not apply!
And, I mean the system is currently adjusting the links - it knows that pages and touches them but it is NOT performing the other step about re-publishing. This is really disappointing!
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable):  
Customer-name/Organization name: Carl Zeiss AG
Screenshot (if applicable):  
Code package (if applicable):  


Community Advisor


@lutzU Yes, you are correct on page move it will update all the references for all the pages and publish it OOTB.

But, it will require a custom implementation in your case as we are maintaining multiple live copies. We can follow below steps:

  1. Write move operation listener.
  2. Identify the page got moved and find out all the language-master pages
  3. One by one move all the language master pages, update the references and publish all reference pages.

It will be a costly operation in terms of page movement.


Level 3


@Imran__Khan  Thanks for your comment. Basically I don't want to implement something custom. I mean, Adobe is saying that you can keep the livecopies in sync with blueprint regarding the page moves but the product just does half of the work which is at the end useless for editor as they are forced to do things manually. Sorry, but this is something that an enterprise CMS should be for, shouldn't it? For me it is clearly a lack of functionality here which should done in the product itself!


Community Advisor


@lutzU I agree, but it has its own repercussions in terms of moving pages and taking the risk of updating content in all language masters. I would say the live copy comes later.

However, during the move operation, it should ask if we want to apply this change to which language master (or blueprint). On the other hand it will be tough to handle lot many language-master its live copies, all the pages and link under it.





Thanks for proposing this idea
This has been reported to the engineering under the internal reference SITES-20520. The product team will triage this request to verify feasibility based on the prioritization model. This post will be updated according to the Jira request status.
Status changed to: Investigating




@lutzU Could you please share what is the use case for moving pages on the author after they were published before? 

Status changed to: Needs Info


Level 3


@kautuk_sahni Sure! Actually this is quite common in daily business of maintaining large website and their structures! Imagine you setup a website and launch it. But after the launch due to some business needs a re-structuring is needed, so you need to do a move of a page, pages or even sub-structures. So, at the end a website structure is never fixed after the launch, there is always some movement in as business has to react to market. And, as enterprise CMS I would expect that those actions are fully supported by the system and make it as easy as possible for the editors.

Image a product page which was launched underneath of product category A. After launch of the website a new category is established and product page needs to be moved below this new category because it fits better.


Hope this helps!