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Bulk edit warn displayed for shorter items list


Level 1


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: We noticed recently the new warning message added to AEM bulk edit scenario, where user attempt to “Select all” and edit these sub-pages in separate tabs. The warning message says that “Bulk action not supported, The selected action Edit(e) will only have effect X selected items currently loaded…”. As we understand, the justification for that warning message is to let user know that not all sub pages might have been lazy-loaded, and that’s fine. That also explains why the massage doesn’t need to appear when pages have been selected manually. The point is that the mentioned logic might be confusing when there are only few sub-pages to be selected by “select all”. In that case lazy logic is not the case and user can be sure that “select all” picks all the sub pages we have on the screen. Please consider extending that logic, because our customers feels uncomfortable with new behavior and confusing warning. (More detail you can find in thread for Case #E-000797571)
Use-case: Changing this behavior will lead to better user experience. Also if some users often use Select all and Edit options together for smaller lists of sites it won't be that annoying. 
Current/Experienced Behavior:

Open Sites

Go to list of Pages where you have 6 elements

Choose Select all elements

Click Edit 

Warning about Selecting only visible items is displayed 


Improved/Expected Behavior:  
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): AEM OnPrem
Customer-name/Organization name: Robert Kmieciak/ Wunderman Thompson Technology
Screenshot (if applicable): RobKmi_0-1674733503691.png
Code package (if applicable):  





Thanks for proposing this idea

This has been reported to the engineering under the internal reference SITES-11905. The product team will triage this request to verify feasibility based on the prioritization model. This post will be updated according to the Jira request status.

Status changed to: Investigating