Hi Team, Currently we are using AEM for assets project. Suppose if user navigate to search results page and if assets are more than 1000 then once user click on select all it is showing text count as 1100+ selected. So as a user it is confusing to them and is there anyway to remove plus and show accurate. As a product owner could you please check and let us know how to show the accurate count.
Hi Team, Currently we are using AEM for assets project. Suppose if user navigate to search results page and if assets are more than 1000 then once user click on select all it is showing text count as 1100+ selected. So as a user it is confusing to them and is there anyway to remove plus and show accurate. As a product owner could you please check and let us know how to show the accurate count.
Current/Experienced Behavior:
Hi Team, Currently we are using AEM for assets project. Suppose if user navigate to search results page and if assets are more than 1000 then once user click on select all it is showing text count as 1100+ selected. So as a user it is confusing to them and is there anyway to remove plus and show accurate. As a product owner could you please check and let us know how to show the accurate count.
Improved/Expected Behavior:
Hi Team, Currently we are using AEM for assets project. Suppose if user navigate to search results page and if assets are more than 1000 then once user click on select all it is showing text count as 1100+ selected. So as a user it is confusing to them and is there anyway to remove plus and show accurate. As a product owner could you please check and let us know how to show the accurate count.
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable):
Customer-name/Organization name:
Screenshot (if applicable):
Code package (if applicable):
the plus symbol code is rendering from /libs/granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/clientlibs/foundation/js/admin/selectionstatus.js