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AEMaaCS version information: being able to determine current version, latest version and being able to upgrade envrionments (dev) though CLI


Level 2


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary:

At the time of writing AEMaaCS environment API [1] does not allow me to:

  • inspect which version of AEMaaCS given environment runs
  • check if the version I have is the latest
  • upgrade the environment programmatically. The only way to do it is via Cloud Manager Web UI (non PROD envs) or support ticket (STAGE/PROD). The latter may not be something Adobe considers doable (due to RO/RV), but we'd love to see such a feature for lower level environments. We has dozens of dev environments spread across multiple programs, so it is cumbersome to keep them in sync

[1] https://developer.adobe.com/experience-cloud/cloud-manager/reference/api/#tag/Environments

Use-case: enable to "automate upgrades" and across many  programs and environments (customers with up to 10 programs) - and to understand current and latest available verison.
Current/Experienced Behavior:

API and CLI do not provide information on 
* current AEM version of environment

* latest available version provided for the environment

* ability to execute upgrade though API/CLI

Improved/Expected Behavior: API and CLI should offer the option to request

* current AEM version of environment

* latest available version provided for the environment

*  execution of an upgrade (add upgrade flag and execute full-stack-pieline) 

Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable):  
Customer-name/Organization name:  
Screenshot (if applicable):  
Code package (if applicable):