At the time of writing AEMaaCS environment API [1] does not allow me to:
inspect which version of AEMaaCS given environment runs
check if the version I have is the latest
upgrade the environment programmatically. The only way to do it is via Cloud Manager Web UI (non PROD envs) or support ticket (STAGE/PROD). The latter may not be something Adobe considers doable (due to RO/RV), but we'd love to see such a feature for lower level environments. We has dozens of dev environments spread across multiple programs, so it is cumbersome to keep them in sync
enable to "automate upgrades" and across many programs and environments (customers with up to 10 programs) - and to understand current and latest available verison.
Current/Experienced Behavior:
API and CLI do not provide information on * current AEM version of environment
* latest available version provided for the environment
* ability to execute upgrade though API/CLI
Improved/Expected Behavior:
API and CLI should offer the option to request
* current AEM version of environment
* latest available version provided for the environment
* execution of an upgrade (add upgrade flag and execute full-stack-pieline)
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable):