When we are inside Assets, on click of AEM Home button on top navigation should redirect to AEM Home Screen or Start screen.
We have multiple assets to upload first and then need to go to Sites to author those assets on individual components/pages. When we click on AEM home button on top navigation, it should redirect to AEM Home/Start screen.
Current/Experienced Behavior:
Currently, when we are inside Assets and if we click on AEM home button on top navigation, then it's redirecting/landing on Assets home screen only.
Improved/Expected Behavior:
Expected behavior should be, if we are inside Assets doing assets operation and if we click on AEM home button on top navigation, It should redirect to AEM home/start screen.
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable):
This has been reported to the engineering under the internal reference ASSETS-31345. The product team will triage this request to verify feasibility based on the prioritization model. This post will be updated according to the Jira request status.
@iamnjain, Workaround: One click is needed (on the arrow next to the "Assets" header) to get to the main AEM home page. As the priority seems a bit low and easy alternate is available, so marking this as declined as of now.