I don't know if I'm asking this in the correct section but here it goes,
Cyclically, after a few days the server begins to give cache problems, the AEM Forms stops working, requiring a restart.
[6/4/18 12:12:06:456 WEST] 0000120f DSCJobStoreTX W org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport findFailedInstances This scheduler instance (shaemaq11527262566011) is still active but was recovered by another instance in the cluster. This may cause inconsistent behavior.
[6/4/18 12:12:06:528 WEST] 0000005d ApplicationMo W DCSV0004W: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup at Member shaemaq1Cell01\shaemaq1Node01\AEMSrv01: Did not receive adequate CPU time slice. Last known CPU usage time at 12:11:08:593 WEST. Inactivity duration was 27 seconds.
[6/4/18 12:12:07:752 WEST] 0000120a UMCacheManage A Cache has closed down no further action is allowed
[6/4/18 12:12:07:753 WEST] 0000120a UMCacheManage W Exception caught while dealing with cache : Action - Get, ObjectType - UM_CLUSTER_INVALIDATION_CACHE, Exception message - Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache Replicated:UM_CLUSTER_INVALIDATION_CACHE
[6/4/18 12:12:07:771 WEST] 0000120a UMCacheManage A Cache has closed down no further action is allowed
[6/4/18 12:12:07:771 WEST] 0000120a UMCacheManage W Exception caught while dealing with cache : Action - Get, ObjectType - UM_ASSERTION_CACHE, Exception message - Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache Local:UM_ASSERTION_CACHE
[6/4/18 12:12:07:780 WEST] 0000120a Reference I org.apache.xml.security.signature.Reference verify Verification successful for URI "#cd7fe19fd72faaf5ca1291759053efe4"
[6/4/18 12:12:08:968 WEST] 0000120a ServiceRegist W Cache get failed for service provider.file_scan_service Reason: Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache ReplicatedGuaranteed:dsc_sc_service
[6/4/18 12:12:09:601 WEST] 0000120a ServiceRegist W Cache put failed for service provider.file_scan_service Reason: Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache ReplicatedGuaranteed:dsc_sc_service
[6/4/18 12:12:09:602 WEST] 0000120a ServiceRegist W Cache get failed for service configuration provider.file_scan_service.1.0 Reason: Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache ReplicatedGuaranteed:dsc_sc_service_configuration
[6/4/18 12:12:09:951 WEST] 0000120a ServiceRegist W Cache put failed for service configuration provider.file_scan_service.1.0 Reason: Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache ReplicatedGuaranteed:dsc_sc_service_configuration
[6/4/18 12:12:09:952 WEST] 0000120a ServiceRegist W Cache get failed for service provider.file_scan_service Reason: Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache ReplicatedGuaranteed:dsc_sc_service
[6/4/18 12:12:10:008 WEST] 0000120a ServiceRegist W Cache put failed for service provider.file_scan_service Reason: Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache ReplicatedGuaranteed:dsc_sc_service
[6/4/18 12:12:10:009 WEST] 0000120a ServiceFactor E Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache Local:SERVICE_FACTORY_CACHE
[6/4/18 12:12:10:009 WEST] 0000120a ServiceFactor E Error accessing the cache container - Error on PUT action for cache Local:SERVICE_FACTORY_CACHE
[6/4/18 12:12:10:013 WEST] 0000120a POJOCache W POJO factory cache lookup failed for service class.Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache Local:POJO_INVOKER_CACHE
[6/4/18 12:12:10:013 WEST] 0000120a POJOCache W POJO Invoker cache creation failed.Error accessing the cache container - Error on PUT action for cache Local:POJO_INVOKER_CACHE
[6/4/18 12:12:10:013 WEST] 0000120a ServiceRegist W Cache get failed for service system.endpoint_registry Reason: Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache ReplicatedGuaranteed:dsc_sc_service
[6/4/18 12:12:10:014 WEST] 0000120a ServiceRegist W Cache put failed for service system.endpoint_registry Reason: Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache ReplicatedGuaranteed:dsc_sc_service
[6/4/18 12:12:10:014 WEST] 0000120a ServiceRegist W Cache get failed for service configuration system.endpoint_registry.0.0 Reason: Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache ReplicatedGuaranteed:dsc_sc_service_configuration
[6/4/18 12:12:10:018 WEST] 0000120a ServiceRegist W Cache put failed for service configuration system.endpoint_registry.0.0 Reason: Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache ReplicatedGuaranteed:dsc_sc_service_configuration
[6/4/18 12:12:10:018 WEST] 0000120a ServiceRegist W Cache get failed for service system.endpoint_registry Reason: Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache ReplicatedGuaranteed:dsc_sc_service
[6/4/18 12:12:10:019 WEST] 0000120a ServiceRegist W Cache put failed for service system.endpoint_registry Reason: Error accessing the cache container - Error on GET action for cache ReplicatedGuaranteed:dsc_sc_service
Do any of you know what can cause this problem? Is there a configuration that we can change so this does not happen?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!
I confirm this problem is solved by adding