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Page break does not work


Level 2

I have a form where the bottom is a table and embedded subform and a table within that.  The embedded table has repeatable rows.  For some reason the rows will not extend beyond page one.  On every row/page I have "allow page breaks within content" selected and there are no errors about page breaks.  Yet the rows only extend to the bottom of the page.  Any suggestions for troubleshooting?  My other forms work fine - just this one.  I must be missing something.

3 Replies



Form reading your description I think you have not placed the "growing" elements in a flowed context. I talk about your "where the bottom is a table". In a flowed form you start with a flowed page subform where you place your fields wrapped in positional subforms which in turn gets stacked automatically in the flowed page. Only then will it grow and paginate. Can you give us some more information about your template?




Level 2
I got it. The page was not set to flowed, it was positioned. I kept that page as positioned and moved the table to a new page set to flowed.