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Moving an object on a master page with scripting code


Level 3

I have a barcode on the master page that needs to move based on values in the data.  This works perfectly on a content page but the barcode doesn't move on the master page.  I have a couple of forms (developed by someone else) that have content pages that are filled with subforms. When I try to place the barcode on the content page it contends with the subforms and doesn't move at all.  Is there a way to make this work on the master page or get the barcode to "float" over the subforms on the content page?

5 Replies


Community Advisor

What do mean by barcode to float?

Do you mean the barcode to split into two pages as per the data?

If that's the case, I think it doesn't work like this. 


Level 3

By float I mean the barcode should move to the coordinates given in the data.  As I said, when  I try to place the barcode on the content page it contends with the subforms and doesn't move at all.


Level 10

It this a XFA form? Don't try to create dynamic contents onto masterpages. The don't flow and are not intented to do so. Use them only for content areas and some background elements (logos, page numbers etc.). Everything else goes to the content page(s).


Level 3

Yes, this is an XFA form.  I would put it on the content page but it has to be on the page, not on any objects on the page. This form has the page filled with subforms. When I place the barcode on the page it moves any subforms below it and if it is after the last subform then it sits in the upper left corner below that subform and will not move. In both cases the AnchorX and AnchorY are disabled.





Level 10

Sorry, I've missed your reply. Can you share a form that shows the problem? I'll look into it.