I am current building an application to convert xdp to pdf,
In order to xdp to be rendered correctly, I have a custom lib which contains fragements for xdp config/ref to be used, so ultimately the xdp will become to a webform user then can fill and submit, then pdf getting generated
e.g say i have something like this http://localhost:4061/content/dam/formsanddocuments/myapplications/Customs/1.0/MyForm/MyForm.xdp/jcr...

Then in my crx/de I have the xdp setting as:

If you look at it's usehref path, it is pointing at ..\..\..\****** , so it is reading the render fragment from :

which does its job correctly.
BUT, if I place the common lib folder into something like below,

and changed the ref to "..\********" :

It stop working (not rendering xdp correctly)
As you can see already, the same Header.xdp , node type becomes different if I place them into two places
When the common lib is sitting under myapplication folder, I tried ..\ and ..\..\ in my xdp set for usehref, but not possible to get xdp render correctly (it seems not reading the common lib at all as long as the common lib is sitting under /myapplication folder)
The only way I can get lib working is make it sit under /content directly, and in my xdp, usehref='..\..\..\****'. then it will work...
So the question is , how do I make the usehref pointing at a relative path to my custom lib and make the xdp render working when the lib is sitting in folder structure like
/content/dam/formsanddocuments/myapplications/MyForm-Common/7.0/CommonFragments/Header.xdp ?
Thanks for help