I have a form with a dropdown field called "Chapter Officer" and when a user does not select anything and goes to the next field, I want this field to be hidden.
Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
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Use the exit event of the dropdown where the user is supposed to make an selection.
Chapter_Officer.presence = this.isNull ? "hidden": "visible";
Btw. You cannot use objects names that begin with a digit, since this isn't allowed by XML standards. A SOM expression as Chapter_Officer.0.0 can't work.
What kind of form?pdf?
It was developed in AEM Designer.
Add a script like the below as per your forms field in the "enter" event.
form1.nextField::enter - (JavaScript, client)
if(DropDownList1.rawValue==null || DropDownList1.rawValue==""){
DropDownList1.presence = "hidden";
I put the following code on the enter event of the dropdown list.
form1.#subform[0].Add_Sec.Sub1.CharterOff1.Chapter_Officer.0.0::enter - (JavaScript, client)
if(Chapter_Officer.0.0.rawValue==null || DropDownList1.rawValue==""){
Chapter_Officer.0.0.presence = "hidden";
It did not work as expected.
Use the exit event of the dropdown where the user is supposed to make an selection.
Chapter_Officer.presence = this.isNull ? "hidden": "visible";
Btw. You cannot use objects names that begin with a digit, since this isn't allowed by XML standards. A SOM expression as Chapter_Officer.0.0 can't work.
You need to put it in the enter event of next field, on which it needs to check the dropdown field value, whether it null or not.
Changing a fields presence from its enter event is a oneway as you can't make it visible again once it got hidden because the event will only execute when the field is visible.