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Granite.I18n.get() language JSON lookup gets 404 when using contextpath


Former Community Member

AEM: 6.2 SP1 CFP4

OS: Windows 7 Enterprise

Start script: java -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx1024m -jar cq5-author-p4502.jar -Dsling.run.modes=author,nosamplecontent -contextpath webforms

Issue: When I use "-contextpath webforms", Granite translation no longer works. JSON gets 404.


We have a JSP outside of AEM (we pass Granite into JSP):

(function(document, $, Granite, util, HTTP) {


>> Granite.I18n.get(errorCode)

English and French have JSON registered as jcr:language "en", and jcr:mixinTypes "mix:language"

***This works fine when there is no contextpath. French translation works***

But the json lookup for en/fr gets a 404 when there is a contextpath.

Suggestions? Some config I am missing for the contextpath during translations???\



2 Replies


Level 10

"We have a JSP outside of AEM" - do you mean that this JSP is not in the JCR repository?


Former Community Member

The JSP is outside the repository.

We connect to the form from outside AEM. We register for the submit events and talk to guidebridge.

We pass Granite into the JS on the JSP.