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Document of Record Generation not working


Level 2

I have a fresh AEM Forms 6.3 Quickstar jar running with installed forms package. I want to display a document of record pdf at submission of the form.

I created a new form and set "document of record template cofiguration" to generate document of record.


1. The preview preview button for the document of record in edit mode does not work and throws :

Internal Server Error

Cannot serve request to /content/xfaforms/profiles/default.print.pdf in com.adobe.forms.web.servlets.LCFormsRenderServlet

Request Progress:

      0 TIMER_START{Request Processing}

      5 COMMENT timer_end format is {<elapsed microseconds>,<timer name>} <optional message>

     12 LOG Method=GET, PathInfo=null

     17 TIMER_START{handleSecurity}

   1719 TIMER_END{1700,handleSecurity} authenticator org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator@609bbdb1 returns true

   2017 TIMER_START{ResourceResolution}

   2205 TIMER_END{187,ResourceResolution} URI=/content/xfaforms/profiles/default.print.pdf resolves to Resource=JcrNodeResource, type=nt:unstructured, superType=xfaforms/profile, path=/content/xfaforms/profiles/default

   2213 LOG Resource Path Info: SlingRequestPathInfo: path='/content/xfaforms/profiles/default', selectorString='print', extension='pdf', suffix='null'

   2214 TIMER_START{ServletResolution}

   2217 TIMER_START{resolveServlet(/content/xfaforms/profiles/default)}

   3010 TIMER_END{792,resolveServlet(/content/xfaforms/profiles/default)} Using servlet com.adobe.forms.web.servlets.LCFormsRenderServlet

   3021 TIMER_END{806,ServletResolution} URI=/content/xfaforms/profiles/default.print.pdf handled by Servlet=com.adobe.forms.web.servlets.LCFormsRenderServlet

   3025 LOG Applying Requestfilters

   3028 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.resourceresolverhelper.impl.ResourceResolverHelperImpl

   3032 LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.i18n.impl.I18NFilter

   3034 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.httpcache.impl.InnerCacheFilter

   3070 LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.rewriter.impl.RewriterFilter

   3075 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.cq.mcm.campaign.servlets.CampaignCopyTracker

   3078 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.cq.history.impl.HistoryRequestFilter

   3521 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.WCMRequestFilter

   3553 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.fd.core.security.internal.CurrentUserServiceImpl

   3802 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.internal.servlets.CoreFormHandlingServlet

   3809 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.optout.impl.OptOutFilter

   3816 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.forms.impl.FormsHandlingServlet

   3819 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.cq.social.commons.cors.CORSAuthenticationFilter

   3822 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.livecycle.dsc.clientsdk.internal.ResourceResolverHolderFilter

   3826 LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.engine.impl.debug.RequestProgressTrackerLogFilter

   3828 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.livecycle.content.appcontext.impl.AppContextFilter

   3831 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.mobile.core.impl.redirect.RedirectFilter

   3834 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.AuthoringUIModeServiceImpl

   3920 LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.security.impl.ContentDispositionFilter

   3923 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.csrf.impl.CSRFFilter

   3925 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.rest.assets.impl.AssetContentDispositionFilter

   3928 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.requests.logging.impl.RequestLoggerImpl

   3935 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.rest.impl.servlet.ApiResourceFilter

   3943 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.dam.core.impl.servlet.ActivityRecordHandler

   3954 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.dam.core.impl.assetlinkshare.AdhocAssetShareAuthHandler

   3955 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.cq.social.ugcbase.security.impl.SaferSlingPostServlet

   3958 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.warp.TimeWarpFilter

   3964 LOG Applying Componentfilters

   3965 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.personalization.impl.TargetComponentFilter

   3967 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.WCMComponentFilter

   4179 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.WCMDebugFilter

   4191 TIMER_START{com.adobe.forms.web.servlets.LCFormsRenderServlet#0}

171735384 LOG Applying Error filters

171735388 LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.i18n.impl.I18NFilter

171735391 LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.rewriter.impl.RewriterFilter

171735418 TIMER_START{handleError:status=500}

171736613 TIMER_END{1193,handleError:status=500} Using handler /libs/sling/servlet/errorhandler/default.jsp

171748798 LOG Found processor for post processing ProcessorConfiguration: {contentTypes=[text/html], order=-1, active=true, valid=true, processErrorResponse=true, pipeline=(generator=Config(type=htmlparser, config={}), transformers=(Config(type=linkchecker, config={}), Config(type=mobile, config=JcrPropertyMap [node=Node[NodeDelegate{tree=/libs/cq/config/rewriter/default/transformer-mobile: { jcr:primaryType = nt:unstructured, component-optional = true}}], values={jcr:primaryType=nt:unstructured, component-optional=true}]), Config(type=mobiledebug, config=JcrPropertyMap [node=Node[NodeDelegate{tree=/libs/cq/config/rewriter/default/transformer-mobiledebug: { jcr:primaryType = nt:unstructured, component-optional = true}}], values={jcr:primaryType=nt:unstructured, component-optional=true}]), Config(type=contentsync, config=JcrPropertyMap [node=Node[NodeDelegate{tree=/libs/cq/config/rewriter/default/transformer-contentsync: { jcr:primaryType = nt:unstructured, component-optional = true}}], values={jcr:primaryType=nt:unstructured, component-optional=true}]), serializer=Config(type=htmlwriter, config={}))}

171749028 TIMER_END{171749027,Request Processing} Dumping SlingRequestProgressTracker Entries

ApacheSling/2.6 (jetty/9.2.19.v20160908, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_141, Windows 10 10.0 amd64)

2. When I add a summary component in my form or i try to submit it with the submit button it returns errors.(I attached a errorlog for that) :

com.adobe.aemds.guide.servlet.GuideSubmitServlet Exception in post request. Error during document of record generation.

com.adobe.aemds.guide.service.GuideException: Error during document of record generation.



Is there something im missing?

I cant seem to find a attachment function here.

11 Replies


Level 10

See this Knowledge Base article on this subject - it may help you: AEM 6.1 Forms Help | Generate Document of Record for non-XFA adaptive forms


Level 2

I already know this article and I think im doing everything as described.


Level 8

What platform is this?  If linux ensure you have the 32-bit jars installed.  If MAC what version? 


Level 2

The jar is running under Windows 10


Level 8

That isn't a supported platform but I don't think that;s the issue Technical Requirements , what jdkversion is installed java -version


Level 2

java version "1.8.0_141"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_141-b15)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.141-b15, mixed mode)


Level 8

Can you try 1.8.0_112?  I seem to remember an update being pushed to my machine and it think it was that version and had similar issues.  Before you do that also check to ensure all bundles have started.


Level 2

Bundle information: 632 bundles in total, 622 bundles active, 9 active fragments, 1 bundles resolved(AEMFD Signatures Bundleadobe-aemfd-signatures)

I installed 112 now, changed it in enviroment vars and in javasettings and restarted the quickstart. No differenece unfortunately.


Level 2

I even tested it now running in a docker container.

Does not work but the error message changed:

com.adobe.forms.aem.impl.XFANativeServiceImpl Exception:0 : basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid


Level 2

Can you check if XML Form Module Executable (32 bit) is running through task manager?


Level 2

If you go to your location system

crx-quickstart\bedrock\svcnative\XMLFormService . you will find certain dll file missing which is causing it