We can save a file where user need to give a file name
Now, I want a button, if user click then it will suggest user a pdf name based on the value given in the form.
I am using the below code (based on this post) [on the button for click action]
var mySaveAs = app.trustedFunction(
function(oDoc, cFlName) {
try {
} catch (e) {
app.alert("Error During Save");
// Append the suffix "review" to the file name
var suggestedFileName = xfa.resolveNode("Num").rawValue + "_review";
mySaveAs(event.target, suggestedFileName + ".pdf");
But getting an error
NotAllowedError: Security settings prevent access to this property or method.
Here, I used the trusted function's begin, and end privatization. But still why I am getting error, and how can I solve the error?
Update: I think I need to put the trusted function in my Adobe's JavaScript folder. However, this doesn't seems to be the best practice for my purpose, as I can't control my user's machine (and can't put the JS file on the Folder Level). Are there any other options to achieve the "Rename" functionality?
Thank you