We would like to use Due Date for Tasks. This works fine, when using the Inbox, Status, remaining time .. are shown.
Is it possible to generate a reminder notification (sample Due Date 14 days and a reminder after 10 days) / what could be used for?
What can we do with the timeoutHandler / Looking for something like notification or reassignemnt after reaching the Due Date ..

I found https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-64/forms/workflows/aem-forms-workflow-step...
Assign task step ...
Timeout Handler: Select the script to be executed when the assign task step crosses the due date. Scripts placed in the CRX-repository at #/fd/dashboard/scripts/timeoutHandler are available for selection. The specified path does not exist in crx-repository. An administrator creates the path before using it.
I managed to place and select the script - what can be done here - are there sample scripts available ..
Thanks in Advance for any Input