AEM Forms on OSGI 6.5.4.
We are tracing where the the following meta tag originate from:
<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no">
/conf/<folder>/settings/wcm/templates/<name> type "cq:Template" with jcr:content "cq:templateType" = "/libs/settings/wcm/template-types/afpage"
under structure/jcr:content we find resourceType : "fd/af/components/page2/aftemplatedpage"
In "fd/af/components/page2/aftemplatedpage" we see the resourceSuperType "wcm/foundation/components/page" AND object "aftemplatedpage.jsp". The system takes the "aftemplatedpage.jsp" and render the page.
Inside this page there is a <cq:include script="afpagecontent.html"/>
inside "afpagecontent.html" is the " <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />"
This is different from what we have generated. So where is our meta tag coming from?