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AEM Touch UI page property field validation


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AEM Touch UI page property field validation by Debal Das

I have used Coral 3 — Granite UI NumberField as resourceType to achieve this functionality and JCR property structure associated with that Touch UI field has been shown below -




It has helped to stop entering values like -1, 0 , 1.9 , 5.6 and 7.999 but still authors were able to input 1.0 , 2.0 , 7.0 , 12.0.

Then I came to know about content structure : validation, that I can use to restrict authors to input values like 1.0 , 2.0 , 7.0 , 12.0

To understand the implementation of validation , I have referred two great documents and I will share those links at end of this blog.

Let me share the implementation steps associated with validation -

  1. Created a client-library folder with categories: demo.integer.validator and written a JS to set the validation so that author can’t make input like 1.0 , 2.0 , 7.0 , 12.0 via NumberField -


(function ($, window, document) {

   var registry = $(window).adaptTo("foundation-registry");

   registry.register("foundation.validation.validator", {

      selector: "[data-validation=integer-number]",
      validate: function (el) {
         var element = $(el);
         var pattern = element.data('pattern');
         var value = element.val();
         if (value.length == 0) {

            value = 0;

         patterns = {

            integer: /^\d+$/


         if (pattern) {
            if (patterns[pattern]) {
               error = !patterns[pattern].test(value);
            } else {
               error = !(new RegExp(pattern)).test(value);

            if (error) {
               return "The field must match the pattern: " + pattern;

($, window, document);



2. Added client-library category against extraClientLibs property at cq:dialog node of page component as shown below -


3. Added property named “validation” with the value registered with foundation.validation.validator in numberfieldValidation.js file i.e. integer-number as shown below -


4. Created “granite:data” node (nt:unstructured) under node where I need to set validation and added additional attribute as property that is required for validation as shown below -


Finally I was able to restrict authors to enter value like 1.0 , 2.0 , 7.0 , 12.0 as shown below -



Wow! That’s really great but wait a second. Did I test this during page creation?

Unfortunately it was unable restrict authors to enter value like 1.0 , 2.0 , 7.0 , 12.0 during page creation as shown below -



Do we have any AEM capability to achieve this one also?

Earlier we have identified one OOTB client-library category named: cq.sites.validations plays crucial role during page creation as shown below -


We have added cq.sites.validations as categories at our client-library and now we were able to restrict authors to enter value like 1.0 , 2.0 , 7.0 , 12.0 during page creation -



Please refer the following link: https://medium.com/@debal.india2014/aem-touch-ui-page-property-field-validation-1117556d8a46 to read the blog



Community Advisor


Great post!

Regarding this phrase: 'Earlier, we identified one out-of-the-box client-library category named cq.sites.validations.'

What steps did you follow to find out the correct client library category? I've always been intrigued by how people determine the correct out-of-the-box categories while overlaying. I haven't been able to find a good article that talks about the topic, I have my own wonky methods but would like to know how other people do it.





@DEBAL_DAS Great blog!

Your solution for AEM Touch UI page property field validation with decimals is spot-on. Implementing custom validation via client libraries and leveraging cq.sites.validations for page creation opens up powerful possibilities for data integrity.

This is valuable not just for preventing invalid inputs, but also for improving content quality and author workflow efficiency. Thanks for sharing your approach!