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AEM Dispatcher setup made easy with Docker | AEM Community Blog Seeding





AEM Dispatcher setup made easy with Docker by Mani Kumar


Worried about AEM dispatcher set up in the local environment here is the easy solution with docker.

Docker setup in local
AEM Publish instance setup
JDK 1.8 and above

Steps to run the dispatcher in docker container
Once the docker is installed in local start the docker using command line or using docker desktop(Installation document for docker https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/)
git clone https://github.com/ManiKorthivada/aemdockerdispatcher
Run the “docker build -t easy-docker-dispatcher .” command
Run the “docker run -it -p 8080:80 easy-docker-dispatcher” command
Open localhost:8080 in the browser that's it now you have the local dispatcher up and running rendering content from the local publisher environment.

Files that need customization for specific project
dispatcher.conf update any module loading and other virtual host configuration in this file
Rewrite rules can be updated in the same conf file as shown in the below screen

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AEM Dispatcher setup made easy with Docker


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