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How configurable are Content Fragment Templates?


Level 1

As the title suggests - I'm trying to figure out just how far I can take the configuration of a content fragment before we step in to customization territory that makes things more... challenging when it comes time for upgrade.

I've found and gone through the Content Fragment Templates support page (Content Fragment Templates), but it doesn't address some of the specifics I'd like it to.

Specific use case I'm seeing if we can solve for:

Right now, we have a series of text fragments that we need to create that account for character/word limitations on advertising platforms. Having the word count/character count displayed (as it is) is certainly helpful, but it would be great if we could generate variations that would programmatically limit a user from going over a pre-set number of words/characters. I'm not seeing that that's possible, and am curious if anyone else has explored this use case before?

We currently have a "tool" in place that does this, but I'd like to migrate off of janky solutions and in to something more purpose built so I don't need to have my users copying and pasting from other systems in to AEM.

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