I am trying to deploy my AEM Cloud repo, but it always fails on the Dev pipeline while the exact same branch works on the Production pipeline.
I download the "Deploy to Dev" error log, but there is no issue that really that stands up to me. The partial error log is below, with the full error log found here.
I am new to AEM Cloud and the deployment process, so kind of out of ideas here. The package builds fine, but just cannot deploy even after multiple tries, and the error log does not help.
Any idea on what the issue might be, or how to troubleshoot/debug this would be much appreciated.
2023-05-28T05:42:48+0000 Summary of events during the deployment step:
2023-05-28T05:42:48+0000 Begin deployment in dev-wvc-aem [CorrelationId: 38390421]
2023-05-28T05:42:54+0000 Update author indexes job has started.
2023-05-28T12:45:48+0000 Update author indexes job has finished successfully.
2023-05-28T12:45:49+0000 Update publish indexes job has started.
2023-05-28T12:45:57+0000 Update publish indexes job has finished successfully.
2023-05-28T12:48:27+0000 Build Transform job has started.
2023-05-28T12:48:28+0000 Build Transform job has finished successfully.
2023-05-28T13:48:47+0000 Failed deployment in dev-wvc-aem
2023-05-28T13:48:48+0000 Detailed events during the deployment step:
===== source=updateAuthorIndexes.log =====
==================== container=main, pod=cm-p92453-e823714-aem-author-index-updates-wrapper-2737986fppdm ====================
2023-05-28T05:43:12+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Waiting for the previous job for cm-p92453-e823714 to be finished.
2023-05-28T05:43:13+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Previous job name: cm-p92453-e823714-aem-index-updates-847jd
2023-05-28T05:43:13+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Waiting until it's finished
2023-05-28T05:43:13+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Waiting 43200s for job state Failed|Complete|Pending.
2023-05-28T05:43:14+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Got the expected state: Complete
2023-05-28T05:43:15+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Waiting for the previous job for cm-p92453-e823714-prev to be finished.
2023-05-28T05:43:16+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Previous job name: cm-p92453-e823714-prev-aem-index-updates-7spw4
2023-05-28T05:43:16+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Waiting until it's finished
2023-05-28T05:43:16+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Waiting 43200s for job state Failed|Complete|Pending.
2023-05-28T05:43:18+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Got the expected state: Complete
2023-05-28T05:43:18+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Updating the environment
2023-05-28T05:43:19+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] create_json_patch called with: (/spec/indexingJob, {"authorImage":"p92453p12519516/author:2737717","branchId":"a43314b8-1be1-4736-ad6c-2f899fab49e3","chartVersion":"1.1.0+e3cde8d8","enabled":true,"publishImage":"p92453p12519516/publish:2737717"}, authorImage, AUTHOR_IMAGE, publishImage, PUBLISH_IMAGE, chartVersion, CHART_VERSION, aemBaseImage, AEM_BASE_IMAGE, customerIndexDefinitions, CUSTOMER_INDEX_DEFINITIONS, branchId, BRANCH_ID)
2023-05-28T05:43:20+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] patch: [{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/indexingJob/authorImage", "value":"p92453p12519516/author:2737986"}, {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/indexingJob/publishImage", "value":"p92453p12519516/publish:2737986"}, {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/indexingJob/chartVersion", "value":"1.1.0+e3cde8d8"}, {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/indexingJob/branchId", "value":"a43314b8-1be1-4736-ad6c-2f899fab49e3"}]
skylineenvironment.skyline.adobe.com/cm-p92453-e823714 patched
2023-05-28T05:43:21+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Starting indexing job for the cm-p92453-e823714
2023-05-28T05:43:21+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Waiting until the job status changes
2023-05-28T05:43:21+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Waiting 600s for a new job (old name: cm-p92453-e823714-aem-index-updates-847jd).
2023-05-28T05:43:28+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Waiting for the new job to be created
2023-05-28T05:43:28+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Waiting 600s for job state Failed|Complete|Progressing.
2023-05-28T05:43:29+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Got the expected state: Progressing
2023-05-28T05:43:31+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Waiting while cm-p92453-e823714-aem-index-updates-4gqg6 is progressing
2023-05-28T05:43:31+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Waiting 43200s for job state Failed|Complete.
2023-05-28T05:43:33+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Job state: Progressing
2023-05-28T05:43:41+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Job state: Progressing
2023-05-28T05:43:48+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Job state: Progressing
2023-05-28T05:43:56+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] - skyline.job.internalState.state = NoContainerState
job.batch/cm-p92453-e823714-aem-author-index-updates-wrapper-2737986 annotated
pod/cm-p92453-e823714-aem-author-index-updates-wrapper-2737986fppdm annotated
2023-05-28T05:43:58+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] - skyline.job.internalState.reason = authorIndexing:CompleteWithNoNewIndexesFound
job.batch/cm-p92453-e823714-aem-author-index-updates-wrapper-2737986 annotated
pod/cm-p92453-e823714-aem-author-index-updates-wrapper-2737986fppdm annotated
2023-05-28T05:43:59+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Job state: Progressing
2023-05-28T05:44:07+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Job state: Progressing
2023-05-28T05:44:15+00:00 [SkylineProxyJob] Job state: Progressing
Solved! Go to Solution.
Total Likes
Validate the AEM cloud version is same in both Non PROD and PROD instance?
Try raising adobe ticket along with logs from both instance.
Validate the AEM cloud version is same in both Non PROD and PROD instance?
Try raising adobe ticket along with logs from both instance.
You are right, the Non Prod instance is a higher version than the Prod one. Seems like the recent update has broken it.
I will raise a ticket with Adobe but likely the response will take time (sigh).