I'm trying configuring contexthub environment for a client when faced a problem. After disable "Shopping Cart" option in "tools>>sites>>contexthub>>global>>default>>ContextHub Configuration>>Commerce>>Shopping Cart" ["http://localhost:4502/libs/granite/cloudsettings/content/wizard.edit.html/libs/settings/cloudsetting..."] the configuration options changed for "tools>>sites>>contexthub>>global>>legacy>>null". This environment don't have any option to configure.
Sorry for textual description but I don't have right to post images.
If any of you need more details please let me know.
This problem was solved coping "/libs/settings/cloudsettings" to "conf/[my-project]/settings" and settign to "false" enabled and required for contexthub/cart via CRXDe.
This problem was solved coping "/libs/settings/cloudsettings" to "conf/[my-project]/settings" and settign to "false" enabled and required for contexthub/cart via CRXDe.