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[Migrate][Config Files] How to migrate configuration file from a computer to another?


Level 1

I'm not the AEM expert or familar to it.
I'm just the BE developer need AEM to run my FE project.

I'm currently at the URL: http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr
and I'm supposed to config all the thing in my local environment like UAT env.


But as a BE dev, I'm guessing that AEM is just like an regular app, it must store config data somewhere.

One of my opinion is copy the configuration file on UAT to my local env.
Another is more modern, export the settings to a file and import it to my local env.

What can I do with this situation?

1 Reply


Level 2

Hi, the best practice way to do this (if the project is maintained well) would be to get the repository access, clone the project on your local machine and install it on your local AEM server. Once installed, you could check the OSGI configs on your local CRXDE Lite under apps/[project-name]/osgiconfig , they will be under runmode folders. Learn more about it here

Also, OOTB OSGI configs that you configure through system/console/configMgr will be stored under apps/system/config.