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JWT to OAuth Migration


Level 1

Starting in 2020 and continuing until today, we have been using a JWT credential between ServiceNow and Adobe. As part of the credential creation, we used OpenSSL to create a public and private key, creating a project in Adobe, uploading the public key, creating an integration profile in ServiceNow, etc. As mandated by our information security rules, the certs created by OpenSSL were configured to expire after a year, requiring us to go through the process of renewing the cert and updating the integration.

With the impending deprecation of the JWT credentials, we have been receiving regular reminder emails from Adobe to take action, each saying that "your organization must update them to use the OAuth Server-to-Server credential" and providing links to the Migration Guide. However, there was one (and only one) email we received that had as actions to take:

"1. Update the integrations with newer certificates before the current ones expire and
2. Migrate the integrations to use the OAuth Server-to-Server credential before January 27, 2025...."

The certs we are using now will expire in a little over 30 days. Does the reading of 1. from that email mean that new JWT certs need to be in place before the migration to OAuth can occur? Or can I just proceed with the migration using the current certs and not worry about the soon approaching expiration date (IOW, does the migration negate the need to generate a new key pair)?

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