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How to modify event payload to make it compatible to webhook?


Level 2



I'm trying to setup Adobe IO events to post notification on Slack for assets created, deleted and so on. However, OOTB if I do, the payload is not compatible to Slack as it requires to have a mandatory property text for Slack which is not part of Adobe IO event payload. 

So, how can I customise the payload to have event posted on Slack?

Best regards,
Himanshu Singhal


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3 답변 개



Hi @zeiss_hs,

You cannot directly use a Slack webook with Adobe I/O Events, because of the same constraint you mentioned. You will need a webhook to proxy your event payload to Slack in a compatible format. This can be achieved by a simple Adobe I/O Runtime action (or any other serverless function). Below is a sample repository for inspiration:



Level 2

Thank you so much and it works well. I've got a question though....Isn't there anyway to have this modification done in Adobe I/O platform? or we can deploy the project there instead of having maintained it on a separate server?



@zeiss_hs I am not sure if I fully understand your question, but let me take a stab at it.

If you have Adobe I/O Runtime enabled in your org, then you can deploy a Runtime action that essentially does the same modification. You can then use Runtime Action as a Webhook against your events integration and achieve the same goal.

Hope this helps.