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How to increase my API Qota


Level 1

Hi, We need to increase our API Quota to a couple thousand or even more, but it limits us to 500 units. How can I increase my API quota, then? And what is the pricing? Thanks.

4 Replies


Level 1

Assuming you mean Acrobat Services. FYI, the team behind Acrobat Services doesn't monitor posts here, please post here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-services-api/ct-p/ct-Document-Cloud-SDK?page=1&sort=latest_re...


Note that this is for unofficial support. If you have an enterprise contract with us, you can get direct technical support. 


Level 1

Hi, Thanks for this insight. I need to increase the Photoshop API Quota (See attached file). 
Is there any similar site for Photoshop? I would appreciate it.



Level 1

The Photoshop APIs are part of Firefly Services now and you will need to reach out here: https://developer.adobe.com/firefly-services/faas/


Community Advisor

You need to contact your Adobe sales representative for such questions


Esteban Bustamante