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Communicate Datascience Workspace In AEP using I/O Runtime


Level 2

Hi Team,

    Is There any way to trigger code run inside Datascience workspace using i/o runtime.


We are planning to automate python code that is in Datascience workspace when ever a data ingestion event trigger is happened. If you could tell us , it will be helpful


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3 Replies


Level 4

Hi @SundarSritharan 


I'm not sure that I fully understood your question. Essentially, Runtime is a serverless platform that allows you to run custom code on Adobe infrastructure. At the moment, we only support Node.js applications. This application can most certainly be invoked by other systems or triggered by events if you set it up as webhook. 


Are you asking if you could run some python code in Data Science workspace based on certain events? As we are not experts on Data Science workspace, I'm not sure if that's possible. I'd recommend asking in the data science workspace (or AEP) forum! https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-platform/ct-p/adobe-experience-pla...


Of course, if this code can be executed outside, you can always leverage Runtime to extend the ootb functionalities. Hope this helps!




Level 2
Thanks Sarah!! Yes, my code is in python that i used to run manually using Datascience workspace in AEP for now..I wanted To automate it whenever an event got happen (Batch Ingestions) As you suggested , i will post this query in mentioned forum.


Community Advisor

Do you have a method to accomplish this?