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Adobe Stock images without watermark and fullsized


Level 1

Good morning,

I have a question regarding the dwonload of images through this API:


In this case I have an image with watermark and with a 1000px of width.

If I call this same url and I subscribe an Enterprise plan the image will be full sized and without watermark?

Thank you!

1 Reply



Hi. I will answer your question here, but there is a forum for Adobe Stock that would be a better place for this question:


If I call this same url and I subscribe an Enterprise plan the image will be full sized and without watermark?

No, not necessarily. Having an Enterprise plan does not provide access to unwatermarked previews automatically; however, it is an option. Note that you cannot sign up for enterprise online and use a credit card. You must meet with a sales team and go through a formal contract process. During that time, you can request any features you need, and they will be priced according to your usage. For more info on this program, see: https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/business/cce-4.html

Furthermore, URLs to unwatermarked previews will not come from a CDN endpoint such as Files or Search. There are private APIs for this use that require authentication. 

I hope this answers your question.

