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Adobe Asynchronous PDF export to DOC using pdfservices-sdk API ExportPDFOperation.execute()


Level 1

Hello, My team and I are beginners in using Adobe APIs, and we are currently working on a tool that will use Adobe Java api's to convert PDFs to DOCs (using Java pdfservices-sdk 3.3.0). I downloaded the code examples but they only show how to do a synchronous pdf export (using ExportPDFOperation.execute() which internally is submitting a job, and using PlatformApi.statusPoll() to wait for it to complete). Is there a version of this to do an asynchronous execution, that returns a location I can poll on? Also I don't see a way to simply check the current status - the PlatformApi.statusPoll() polls until the job is done. So, I'm considering to implement my own version of ExportPDFOperation.executeAsynch(), and to implement a non-blocking version of status() that returns the current status immediately. Has this already been done? Are there any recommendations for how to do this? Note the reason we need these features is the plan is the customer will submit a job and get a location back, then we want them to poll periodically until the job has completed, and then to download it. I'm hoping this is possible to do in such a way that server-1 might submit the job, and server-2 might check the status, and server-3 might download the file, etc.


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Hi, you can do what you want by just hitting the REST APIs directly. Here's our docs, https://developer.adobe.com/document-services/docs/apis/. If you need, I can share a Node demo, which obviously isn't Java, but you would see the flow.