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Adding custom fields in event json generated for aem event


Level 2

Hi - I have done AEM event integration with I/O Events and i am able to successfully capture events. I want to customize data being returned by an event. For e.g., i may want to retrieve page properties and want page properties of the page being published to be sent along with other event information. How do i go about extending/ customizing event json?





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3 Replies


Level 4

Did you get answer.

In my case, am not using AEM, however would still wanted for AEP


What exactly is your use-case?



This is not possible right now with the already published package that we have (see https://www.adobe.io/apis/experienceplatform/events/docs.html#!adobedocs/adobeio-events/master/aem/a...). One thing that you could do is extend the package as per your needs.

Having said that, we are in the middle of open sourcing the AEM <=> I/O Events package, and any open source contributions would be welcome.