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Accessing User Management and Analytics APIs


Level 1



My team and I are beginners in using Adobe APIs, and we are currently working on a university final project. We are developing a web application to help companies retrieve data on their Adobe users.


We have created a console admin developer account, but we are encountering some issues. When we try to create a project, the User Management API and Analytics API options are greyed out. We noticed that the only product we have access to is Adobe Acrobat.


As this is the admin account, we are unsure how to add more products or enable the restricted APIs. We would like to know if we need to create a new developer or if there are specific requirements to access these APIs.

Do we need to pay for a paid license or have a particular subscription to create a project with these APIs? We would appreciate any guidance or assistance on how to proceed with our project.


Thank you for your time and support.

Best regards


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2 Replies



Hey @Novo, excited to learn about your project. Unfortunately, both the User Management API and Analytics API are part of paid products and services and, therefore, greyed out for you. 


We still have many cool APIs that you could try out without a paid plan- 

  1. Adobe Express Embed SDK
  2. Adobe Photoshop API
  3. Adobe Stock API
  4. PDF Services API
  5. PDF Embed API

I hope you have fun building this.



Level 1

Thank you for your answer, but can we use those API to get some data of the users (how they are using the different tools) ?


Also I don't understand I got the free plan of adobe creative cloud with all services, but I still don't have access to User Management APIs, what I should I do to get access to this APIs?


Thank you