Hi Everyone,
Here's a walk through of how you can activate Adobe Campaign Classic Message center templates through Journey Orchestration Actions.
Adobe I/O Runtime
- Deploy ACC, send transaction Email actions
- This action is required to transform the JSON payload received and translate it into SOAP API body
- The response of this call will be the XML response from ACC
- The Deployment of the action reuses the basic authentication mechanism used by ACC SOAP API calls
- The instance URL, eventType and email are required fields in the body
- The ctx object can contain as many attributed for personalization as needed
Journey Orchestration
- For authentication on the action, select Basic and enter the username and password for the operator with the Message Center Execution rights
- For Message Parameters, the values may depend on your use case. Below is a example
: {
"ACC Event Type"
: {
"Email Address"
: {
: {
"First Name"
- Note accIntanceURL, eventType and email are required fields
- externalID is an optional key value you can chose to send in
- the ctx object in the parameter can have as many key value pairs as needed for personalization of the email
- To use the action in a Journey, drag and drop the action and map the message parameters
Please feel free to reach if you have any questions thrugh teh below reply/comment section.
Sukrity Wadhwa