In the project I am working in, I have to create a Recipients table with some attributes. Some of the attriubutes functionality exists already in the nms:recipients. However, I would like to alter some attributes to best match the clients specification. Here are the things I am trying to achieve
1. In the Status enumeration, I would like to edit the value to something else.
2. In the filed boolean 1, and boolean 2, I would like to change the name and label to my business specification.
3. If possible, I would like to change some names of the nms:recipients.
All images are attached below.
Please suggests ways or solutions in which I can achieve this functionality. If any more information is required, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Kind regards.
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Hi @ChanuteJo ,
To modify any OOTB factory schema (like nms:recipient) in ACC you need to create a new schema, typically with the same name and a custom namespace (e.g., nms:recipient becomes cus:recipient), use the Schema Creation Wizard, select the Schema Extension option, which will guide you through the creation process. Refer this Adobe documentation page for this part: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/campaign/campaign-v8/developer/shemas-forms/extend-schema
Following is the way you can modify/add attributes in the out-of-the-box nms:recipient table:
<srcSchema entitySchema="xtk:srcSchema" extendedSchema="nms:recipient" name="recipient" namespace="cus" xtkschema="xtk:srcSchema">
<!--Override existing enumeration by targeting it's name-->
<enumeration basetype="byte" name="status">
<value label="Value 0" name="value0" value="0"/>
<value label="Value 1" name="value1" value="1"/>
<element name="recipient">
<!-- New element/attribute creation-->
<attribute name="myNewAttribute" enum="newfeild" type="string"/>
<!--Override existing attribute spec by targeting its name-->
<attribute length="50" name="firstName"/>
<!--Delete existing attribute spec by targeting its name-->
<attribute _operation="delete" name="lastName"/>
<!--Modify label of existing attribute spec by targeting its name-->
<attribute label="newLabel" name="lastName"/>
Also for more info on this process refer to a tutorial video: https://helpx.adobe.com/campaign/classic/how-to/extend-factory-schema-in-acv6.html
Best regards,
MEIT MEDIA (https://www.meitmedia.com)
Contact Us: infomeitmedia@gmail.com
Thanks @MeitMedia for your help.
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Hi @ChanuteJo,
Was the given solution helpful to resolve your query or do you still need more help here? Do let us know.
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