In Web app I used Jquery to disable the Tuesday and Thursday options in the date picker.
When I select a date in the first click, it does not update, but it does update when I select it again, and the previous date only updates in the date field, not the date I am currently selecting.
FYI:Date field has Date data type
This is the Code Which I tried
<script src=""></script>
<!-- jQuery UI -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
$(function() {
var selectedDay; // Declare the variable in a broader scope
minDate: 0, // Disable past dates
beforeShowDay: function(date) {
selectedDay = date.getDay(); // Store the day in the broader scope variable
return [selectedDay === 1 || selectedDay === 3 || selectedDay === 5]; // Disable Mondays
onSelect: function(dateText, inst) {
// Now you can access the selectedDay variable here
here is the date input field
<strong> Date</strong>:</label> <input name="datepicker" id="datepicker" type="text" data-nl-label="Date" data-nl-xpath="@date" data-nl-bindto="xpath" data-nl-type="date" /> <!--<select name="cvv" id="cvv" data-nl-label="Date" data-nl-xpath="@date" data-nl-bindto="xpath">
Thanks in advance
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Hello @vani97
The code seems to be working fine for me.
But you can force to set the value again by updating the onSelect function like this:
onSelect: function(dateText, inst) {
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Hi @_Manoj_Kumar_
FYI The date Field have string Data type
as we have type as text in the datepicker input field in the html element
and its getting updated in the google chrome console what im selecting in datepicker
but in the adobe campaign its updating previous date value
For eg : if im selecting 23/12/2023 its updating empty value
then if im selecting the 24/12/2023 then its updating 23/12/2023.
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How are you saving this information in the field?
Are you using storage activity or using javascript?
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I'm using storage activity to store and update the date values in attribute .
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