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Audience Analytics - Handbook


Employee Advisor
  • Analytics report-suite is not available in AAM.

This generally happens because of following two possible reasons:

    1. Report-suite is not mapped to correct org in Report Suite Mapping UI. [Report Suite Mapping UI]
    2. Server Side Forwarding is not enabled in Analytics for given report-suite. [Enable this setting - Step 3]
  • AAM segments are not visible under Analytics segments.

AAM segments will not be visible as segments in Analytics rather they will be available under dimensions "Audiences ID" and "Audiences Name". Once we enable server-side forwarding on one report-suite, we get two new reports available in Analytics with name as “Audiences ID” and Audiences Name providing list of AAM segment ID and name respectively.

Once AAM segments are visible in these reports, one can create segment using dimensions Audiences ID and Name.

If these reports are not available, then report suite settings are to be checked for server-side forwarding.

  • I am not able to see Audience ID and Audience Name reports in Analytics.

Check server-side forwarding checkbox in report-suite settings. [Check Report-Suite settings]

  • AAM segment is not visible in Audience ID or Name report.

This may happen when any of the following situation is met:

    1. There is no real-time data in segment i.e. segment is created in AAM using only onboarded trait.
    2. Profile Merge Rule has imposed data export control on segment. [Data Export Controls]
    3. Data-source of segment or involved trait has data export controls implied in AAM. [Data Export Controls]
    4. Conflict between data export control of data-source/PMR with Analytics destination in AAM. [ Analytics Destination ]
  • Segment sharing checkbox is not getting retained in Analytics.

This issue occurs due to mismatch in the settings:

    1. Account Level: This can be verified by Report Suite Mapping UI. If incorrect org is mapped, then customer care needs to be contacted so that mapping can be corrected.
    2. Report-Suite Level: Sometimes, even after mapping report-suite to correct org the check box does not hold its value and reason here is related to the backend settings of the respective report-suite. This can be correct by customer care only.
  • Numbers in Analytics are not matching with AAM segment population.

Numbers in Analytics will never match with AAM because of the way these two systems calculate data. Analytics consider MID whereas AAM works on AAMUUID.

If we have to compare the numbers then it is advisable to compare one data of Analytics with AAM to get a clear picture on number but we still not be able to see the matching numbers because segmentation in AAM happens after Profile Merge Rule getting applied to it and on the other hand, Analytics does not consider any such rule.

We can expect number to aligned, somewhat, but an exact match will never be possible.

Need further help? Please reach us at amsupport@adobe.com and we will more than happy to connect with you.


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